Pendulum Operation Training Attendance

Pendulum Operation Training Attendance

SlipDoctors recently travelled to the United Kingdom to become certified in pendulum slip testing. Pendulum slip testing is a method used to evaluate the slip resistance of a surface. The training and equipment was provided by the Munro Group.

How does pendulum slip testing measure slip resistance?

Slip resistance is measured by calculating the force required to cause a pendulum to slip on a surface. This type of floor testing is often used to ensure that flooring materials meet safety standards and are less likely to cause slips and falls.

The results of a pendulum slip tester are reported as a coefficient of friction or a pendulum test value. These values are used to determine the slip resistance of a surface, with higher values indicating a higher level of resistance. The specific values and their corresponding levels of resistance will vary depending on the particular test method and the standards that are being used.

How is a Pendulum Test Value typically calculated?

PTV, or Pendulum Test Value, is a measure of the slip resistance of a surface commonly used in the context of pendulum slip testing. The PTV is determined by measuring the force required to cause a pendulum to slip on a surface.

In general, higher PTV values indicate a higher level of resistance, with a PTV of 50 or higher typically considered to be an acceptable level of resistance.

When is pendulum floor testing needed?

A pendulum slip tester is commonly used to evaluate the slip resistance of flooring materials, such as tiles or concrete. This is typically done in situations where there is a need to ensure that a flooring material meets safety standards and is less likely to cause slips and falls. For example, a pendulum slip tester might be used to test the resistance of flooring in a public building or a commercial establishment, such as a hospital or a restaurant. Additionally, pendulum slip testers are often used by manufacturers of flooring materials to ensure that their products meet industry standards.

For more information about the training, click here.

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