SlipDoctors is a U.S.- based company and has been the trusted leader in floor safety for more than 10 years. Our mission is to provide top-quality, tested solutions that help prevent slip-and-fall injuries. We are focused on surpassing the needs and expectations of our customers by providing industry-leading products, exceptional customer service and reliable solutions to floor safety concerns. We strive to help make your home and workplace safer.
Our passion for this business comes from industry statistics showing that slip-and-fall injuries can be devastating, life-changing events, particularly for our older and most vulnerable citizens. However, both old and young are susceptible to the misfortune of slip-and-fall injuries. Yet, there are simple and inexpensive steps that can be taken to reduce the likelihood of a serious injury.
SlipDoctors has developed several methods and products to improve traction on walking surfaces, boat decks, locker rooms, bathtubs & showers, porcelain & ceramic tiles, metal ramps, wood flooring, synthetic flooring and most other common surfaces. Our coatings offer options from barefoot-friendly to aggressive to meet your needs. These applications should result in significant improvement in surface traction and long-lasting durability. Our treatments and coatings are manufactured in the United States and developed by top chemists in their fields.
The best time to reduce the chances of slip-and-fall injuries in your home or business is BEFORE they occur. Take steps today! We ship worldwide and offer free ground shipping within the United States. We look forward to helping you find the best solution to treat dangerous slip-and-fall conditions in your home or workplace.