A Step Towards Safety: COF Testing Explained

Workplace injuries can result in devastating results—a simple fall can mean tragic, disabling injuries and lawsuits that will break the bank of any small business. However, personal suffering and company mayhem can be avoided by taking steps to improve the safety of surfaces at your business locations.
For example, you might consider the use of non-slip coatings and paints, which are easy to apply, quick-drying, and result in improved traction beneath your employees’ feet. Safety tapes are another option you may want to use in certain places around your operation - available in a variety of widths, colors, and patterns, these tapes can provide unobtrusive or eye-catching safety additions.
Advice from The Experts
While some simple solutions can be taken to reduce the risk of falls and increase the traction of surfaces in your business, other methods may be more complicated—that’s where the experts at SlipDoctors come in!
If you’ve ever heard of COF testing, you know that it can provide a great deal of knowledge to someone who is trying to determine the most efficient ways to increase floor safety in their place of work. You may not, however, know exactly what it means or entails or why it’s important.
What Is The COF?
The COF stands for “coefficient of friction,” and friction is a physical property that describes, essentially, how much traction exists between two surfaces. The COF, then, is simply the amount of traction between one’s shoe and the surface beneath it described in a number. This makes it easier for scientists and people like you to understand exactly how slippery a surface is.
At SlipDoctors, we provide COF testing for the surfaces in your work environment (or any walking surfaces you want to reduce the risk of slips and falls)!
To ask for more information about our COF testing services, to ask any questions about the process, or to schedule a slip audit, contact us at SlipDoctors today. In the meantime, feel free to visit our online store to discover other solutions which can increase safety for you and your employees.
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