The Importance of Slip Testing for Your Business

When you own or manage a business, your customers' safety is your biggest priority. This requires you to safeguard all areas of your business, including all surfaces. Many businesses overlook the importance of testing floor types for slip resistance and do not realize the safety risk involved. Thousands of slip accidents occur every year and often lead to serious injuries, large hospital bills and even court cases. To avoid this, a slip test is required to test the slipperiness of the surface. According to the test, a non-slip solution can then be obtained.
What exactly are slip tests?
Ensuring that the floors you have installed in and around your business are slip-resistant is one of the most important tasks as a business owner. Leaving it untreated can lead to serious accidents. It is often difficult to know which type of flooring is slip-proof, as not all flooring products are slip tested and, therefore, do not have a slip-resistant reading. Slip tests offer important information about a floor type and its suitability to be used in a specific environment. This is useful when deciding which flooring to use specifically in commercial areas.
Slip tests can also be done after a specific surface has been treated with a non-slip solution. The test may then determine whether the product has been effective or not. Let's look at how this works:
How a slip test works
Slip testing is the science of measuring the coefficient of friction of surfaces and has to be performed according to certain standards. To fully understand how it works, we'll look at a new slip test performed by SlipDoctors.
How slip test services can help your business
SlipDoctors offers a slip test service to owners and managers of commercial properties, as well as flooring manufacturers. We slip test a large variety of surfaces, including concrete, tiles, metal, vinyl and several other types of floors.
For business owners and managers
The main cause of workplace accidents is slip-and-fall occurrences. It is the responsibility of the business owner to ensure the safety of all the customers and staff. Therefore, careful attention to the resistance of surfaces is a critical component of the business’s accident prevention efforts. Before opening the doors of a business, proper precautions, including a professional slip test, must be taken to make sure that the flooring is safe.
If you require a surface test, please contact our team at 972-999-9998 or email us at
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