Anti-Slip Tile Treatment: an Effective Solution for Work and Home

Anti-Slip Tile Treatment: an Effective Solution for Work and Home

Whether you are aware of it or not, it is possible that your business or home has a problem which should be addressed. The National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI) states that falls result in over 8 million visits to the emergency rooms each year and are the leading cause of these prompt trips to the ER. More specifically, 21.3% of these total visits are due to falls! Falls caused by slips result in 12% of these falls—staggering statistics which might have you second-guessing the way that you approach day-to-day functionality in your home and workplace.

Take Action

While these numbers can seem overwhelming, very simple steps can be taken to lower the chance that you will suffer a similar fate!  Not only do leading chemists in their fieldwork hard to develop our products at SlipDoctors, but we also provide other services, such as training and slip test auditing, which can lead to a safer workplace or residence for those hoping to prevent accidents before they happen.

At SlipDoctors, we understand the importance of lowering these statistics by providing the most reliable anti-slip tile treatment available on the market. Whether you plan to implement this product in your bathrooms, in locker rooms, in medical facilities, or anywhere else that slippery tile poses a fall risk, our carefully formulated products increase the slip resistance of your at-risk surfaces.

Easy Implementation

Just because anti-slip tile treatment offered by SlipDoctors is professionally developed doesn’t mean that it has to be professionally applied. The ease of application means that you can apply the product yourself and witness the impressive results right away.

Incredible Results

When you choose to implement our anti-slip tile treatment in your home, even your pets will notice the difference! Anti-slip products are also developed with aesthetics and convenience in mind.   This means that the appearance of your flooring won’t change after application and you won’t have to worry about any special cleaning processes.

If you’re interested in how you can implement safer solutions in your home or workplace, purchase now at our online store or contact us with questions and concerns.

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