Dura Grip - Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I use Dura Grip on painted floor?
A: Lightly sand down the surface, clean and dry for surface preparation. For previously coated surfaces, consider using our Bonding Adhesion Promoter to have a more durable non slip surface.
Q: How many coatings do I need to apply?
A: Dura Grip needs to be applied with two light coats at least two hours apart using a fresh roller on the second coat.
Q: What kind of roller should I use?
A: We suggest using a cotton nap roller to ensure an even and consistent application. We do not suggest using textured rollers.
Q: How should I apply the product?
A: You should gently roll on a thin coat using the cotton nap roller. To ensure an even coat move the roller lightly in a forward and backward direction. It is not recommended to apply Dura Grip as one thick coat.
Q: Can I use Dura Grip underwater?
A: We do not advise that you use Dura Grip on a surface that is permanently submerged in water.
Q: What if my floor is a bright or a dark color?
A: It may be necessary to do 3 coats if you are coating lighter colors of Dura Grip over flooring that has bold, bright, or dark colors.
Q: Can I use Dura Grip on Wood?
A: Firstly, you would need to clean the wooden floor and then make sure that the surface is flat smooth. This includes sanding down splinters and hammering in nails and tightened exposed screws. We recommend using SlipDoctors’ Primer on wood prior to applying Dura Grip.
Q: Will the paint chip, peel or crack over time?
A: Inadequate drying time, excessive moisture presence, poor surface preparation, and failure to apply two thin coats of Dura Grip will increase your chance of early coating damage.
Q: Can Dura Grip be used on a Resin and/or Fiberglass coating?
A: Dura Grip can be used on Resin/Fiberglass surfaces and coatings. Surface prep includes light sanding, cleaning, and complete drying prior to application of Dura Grip. Previously coated surfaces must be cured prior to applying a top coat of Dura Grip.
Important: Prior to opening the product and applying always read instructions and call us if you are not sure.